We are happy to let you know that repairs are being made to the Prattville Public Library.
While we move inventory to prepare for the repairs and reopening, the library will be completely closed for a short period of time.
Friday, February 14, 2025 will be the last day that library services will be offered including reserves and pickup of materials. We will let you know as soon as normal library services can resume.
We are getting closer to being fully reopened to all patrons. Be patient with us a little longer. We are so grateful for the love and support you have shown your library staff.
Programs will still be held at Marbury and Billingsley branches and weather permitting programs will still be held outside at the Prattville Public Library.
Preschool Story Time is Tuesday at 10:30 at Prattville.
STEAM is Thursday at 4:00 at Prattville.